Global Wrap-Around Lead Apron- Complete shielding against radiation
Today, The world has attained uncounted targets in the field of healthcare. New health technologies and medical devices using ionizing radiation have led to major advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of human disease. However, the use of such technologies and devices can lead to serious health hazards to patients and staff. So, to protect the human body from such harmful radiation effects we have to use safety clothing like x ray protection apron, x ray protection gloves, lead Shielding.
Our company is a professional enterprise that specializes in developing, manufacturing, and selling medical x-ray protective clothing and devices. Our aprons come with both technology and style. Now our apron are available on multiple online marketplace so that our customer can buy lead apron online easily from all over the world.
As the name suggests Ortho lead Apron with .5 and 1.0 lead equivalence are best suited for surgeons especially orthopedician who are exposed to long duration of X-Ray radiation. their wrap around concept gives complete coverage from the back and the double flap leaved no room whatsoever for radiation leakage. ortho featured extra wide shoulders distributing weight over a greater are to reduce fatigue. Available in Blue vinyl.

Our Aprons are tested and approved by AERB and BARC ( Bhabha Atomic Research Centre- Govt of India.)